Rowland Elementary School

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School start on August 10, 2020.
California PBIS CDE Pivotal Practice Award

Kindergarten materials distribution

Kindergarten materials distribution
10/28/2020, 9:00 AM 9:30 AM

Distributing some of the twig science consumables and some of the shared reading books we made together . We wanted to distribute second set of books but the books we ordered haven’t arrived yet. 

Also, during the materials pick-up, we would like to do a drive-thru trick or treating with each Kinder teacher passing out candy to children as they are in their car. Families will wear masks and stay in car. 

Please share the following with families:
Safety Precautions:
• Drive through is in front of the school.
• Stay in your car.
• Please wear a face mask.• Practice social distancing.

Books will be quarantined for one week. Please make arrangements w Yvette to put books in a box and keep for a week. 

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